

Pink and Brown Buttercup Bag

Hi everyone!  Here's a Buttercup Bag that I made last month for my sister Rebecca's friend Rachel.  This was my 2nd custom order (my first being this bag Rebecca ordered for another friend's birthday). 
 Rachel like big purses, so this is the larger version plus 3 inches added to the length.  It makes for a very roomy purse! 

Rachel picked out the fabric.  I like pink and brown together.

Thanks for looking!


Cute blue skirt

I found this awesome fabric at Wal-Mart for $2 a yard and knew that I needed to make a skirt with it.  I didn't use a pattern, I just kind made it up as I went.  Real quick, here's what I did (if I make another, I write down what I did and maybe take process pictures, like a tutorial!): I cut 3 layers of fabric and serged the bottom edge of each layer to make my hemline.  I just kinda guessed on the width the skirt because I decided I was going to shir the waistband.  I attached all layers at the top edge, folding the back layer to the front to create a clean edge.  The I stitched the sides of the layers.  Then I shirred the waistband.  I had to wash it a few times to shrink it down because it was a bit big initially.  It helped that I didn't pre-wash the fabric (even though I usually do).  I got it done in time to wear to my cousin's graduation.  Enough talk, on to the pictures!!

 Ok, This morning I drew up some quick sketches of my process...or what it will be next time to make it easier.  I think it will work better this way than they way I did it.  Basically, I switched the order of 2 of the steps, this way will create nicer seams I think.  This will me a lite tutorial, meaning I didn't include any measurements as I didn't really measure much of anything.  It was more of an eh, that looks good process for me.  Ready?  Here we go! (please don't laugh at my sad little sketches...)

 I hope those made sense.  You can find many great tutorials for shirring.  I love Dana's over at Made.  Her tutorials and patterns are so professional looking and full of pictures and suggestions.  Someday maybe mine will look like that awesome.  Ok, now on to the pictures!!

As you can see, I made the layers different lengths to make it more interesting:

Here's a side by side of me wearing the skirt, both tucked and untucked.  I am more of an untucked kind of girl.  I just think it's more comfortable.

And of course, here's a pic of me wearing my new skirt:
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I mentioned something about a possible tutorial for this skirt, which may happen in the future.  Right now I am working on a different tutorial.  I am working on a fun summer top that I am making up as I go.  Don't worry, I am taking plenty of pictures and writing down little notes and measurements as I go.  Hopefully I'll finish it some time soon!  I'm excited about possibly posting my first tutorial!!  Ok, I have 2 more purses to blog about, I need to take pictures of 1 of them so I can share them with you.  I'll hopefully get those up soon.

Thanks for looking!  Become a follower if you aren't already!  Leave a comment if you like something!  I love reading your comments!! 
