

Fancy Skirt with POCKETS!!!

I can't believe I haven't posted this one yet!  I made a skirt for me!!  I used some of the Tutti Frutti fabric from Jo-Anne's that I had been saving.  I used a New Look pattern for this skirt.  I love that Wal-Mart sells cheap patterns! 

New Look 6899, View F.
I mostly used view F.  I made it without the sash and I added the pockets from view A/C.  I am so happy that I added pockets!  That means that I might actually wear this skirt.  I'm a girl that requires pockets!

Here's my new skirt!
Here is is again blowing in the breeze!  I posted this so you can see the fullness of it.

Did I mention this skirt has pockets?  It does!!  And an invisible zipper!!

  Here I am wearing my new skirt!!  I like the second pic, it's all like yep, I got pockets!

And here I am running like a crazy person!!  We have too much fun in the woods!!

Thanks for looking!!

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Happy Mother's Day!!

I hope everyone had a Happy Mother's Day yesterday!!  I made my mom a little quilted zippered pouch and we also got her some flower pots.  This pouch was my first quilted project and I am quit pleased with it. I used the lining fabric on the bottom edge.  My sister thinks it looks like grass.  I quilted the batting to the outside fabric then added the ric-rac to the seam.  then I added the zipper and sewed it all together. 

Here's the pouch:

Here's the inside:

For my mother-in-law, Joy, I made some Picnic-tastic Place Mats.  Well, technically this is also her birthday present.  For her birthday I told her I would let her pick out some material and I would make her some.  Well I ended up making 8 of them and finished them in time for Mother's Day.  Rick also picked out some flowers for her and I found a tiny "Joy" book for her at work. 

Here they are all rolled up:

Here's the 2 different styles of these place mats.  I made 4 of each:
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In other news, I didn't make it into the Top 60 for Spring Top Week.  There were so many great tops entered this year.  I'll have to try harder next year!  I'm just pleased that I'm learning how to sew clothing and I completed and entered 5 different tops this year.

Thanks for looking!!


Sunday Sewing

I had a pretty good sewing day.  I made Rick another pair of PJ shorts.  I realized I never posted the first pair I made so I'll show both of them to you now.  The grey pair was made on my sewing machine and the green pair was made on my serger.  They are both made using a jersey knit from Joann's.  I used stretch stitches on my sewing machine on the grey pair.  On the green pair I used a three thread over-lock stitch on the seams and a flat-lock on the waistband and hem.  
OK, enough about the stitches, here's a picture!!

I also finally made my sister's shirt that I promised her.  She loves this pink tank top so much that she wanted another one.  Her only request was for it to have wider straps.  I found the fabric at Wal-Mart and it screamed Rebbie!!  It's a thin knit with stripes of red, grey and yellow dots.  I made the pattern using her shirt and I got to used my serger on it (did I mention that I love my new serger!?!?)

Here's my usual side by side of the before and after:

Here's a close-up so you can see the awesome fabric:
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I'll update later with some pictures of the shirt on my sister.  I think she likes it.  :-)

Spring Top Week officially starts tomorrow over at Made By Rae.  New tops will be posted each day (Mon-Fri) so be sure to check so you can vote for for your favorite!  I hope you pick mine if I'm am lucky enough to be in the top 50!!  There were so many great entries this year.  I'm just happy that I completed my 5 tops.

Here's my five tops again.  I like seeing them all lined up!

All in all, today was a pretty good day.  Thanks for looking!!